
Vimeo Lead Generation


Vimeo Lead Generation

Lead Product Designer

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is finding and converting new, qualified customers. We built a product that allows users to ask whatever they want to generate high-quality form submissions and sync those submissions to their favorite email platform.



Vimeo’s existing tools don’t allow users to generate high-quality leads. How can we expand the product to better suit users’ needs?



Who is this for?

Business owners and marketers

To help promote their products and services, to drive awareness with potential customers, increase traffic to their website or storefront, and drive conversions.

Creative professionals

To showcase their work, to generate interest with their business, and acquire potential clients.



What do Vimeo users really want?

After speaking with a number of small business owners and marketers, we walked away with three key take-aways that would guide us in making well-informed design decisions.



Users wanted more information than name and email address. Having the ability to create new fields to gather more relevant data was a common theme. There was also a desire to visually connect the form more to the user’s brand. To comply with evolving legal requirements, we also added the option of adding a link to a user’s privacy policy.


Every small business owner and marketer had their preferred email platform. They expectecd the data from form submissions to sync to these platforms. Users also wanted the flexibility to create forms that synced to different email lists.


Users expected video analytics data to send to their marketing platform so that they could target qualified leads. Completion rate of videos was the most important.



What do the experts have to say?

We spoke to marketing experts at Mailchimp and Hubspot. Through those conversations we got a good sense of what else was lacking from Vimeo’s lead generation tools.

“Adding video to your email marketing strategy should be a regular part of your email marketing strategy to help your brand stand out.”

“Emails that include video see a 25%+ boost in open rate when compared to emails without video.”



What’s there now?

Vimeo’s existing email capture only allowed for a viewer’s name and email address to be submitted. Users frequently contacted the support team asking for a way to add additional fields that were relevant to their business. Integrations with popular email platforms was also lacking. Users could only add a single list from a single platform in which to sync all form submission data. The form design itself did not allow for multiple fields, especially when the video player was small. Key visual, customizable elements became hidden when the player reached standard mobile widths.

Old Vimeo email capture design and settings.

Old Vimeo email capture design and settings.


Old lead generation user flow



Customizable contact forms that easily connect to email platforms.


New lead generation user flow



Choose your platform

Simply select your preferred email service provider in your video settings, then sync contact form submissions directly into your email platform.


Authorize your email provider account on Vimeo to access all of your mailing lists.

Users can now select multiple email lists from multiple platforms.

Users can now select multiple email lists from multiple platforms.



Collect the right information.

Users wanted the option to collect data that they could use to find genuinely interested customers and clients. They can now add the fields they want and select which are required. Dragging and dropping fields makes organizing the form easy. Users create the form natively, allowing them to build the form once for use on multiple platforms.

Adding and dragging a custom field.

Adding and dragging a custom field.



Multiple Steps

The forms were designed in a multi-step format. Not only does this provide a lot of scalability, it has also been proven that this format can increase form conversion by up to 52.9%



Fully customizable

Apply your brand color and logo so your video feels right at home embedded on your website.



Mobile first

We designed mobile-first to make sure the forms worked well at every screen size. At the time of launch, Vimeo was the only video platform to provide mobile-optimized forms in a video.



Product discovery

Clicking ‘Try it’ on the homepage banner brings users to the settings for a contact form added to their most recently uploaded video.

Clicking ‘Try it’ on the homepage banner brings users to the settings for a contact form added to their most recently uploaded video.


Marketing video to promote lead generation.